Why I’m Not A Fan Of Rawhides


(It’s not the obvious answer to the question)trickortreatpictMost pet owners have heard of the dangers of giving your dog a rawhide bone or treat. You don’t have to search very long on Google to realize that not only are the average rawhides on the market laden with everything from heavy metals to toxic glues and dyes, but that ingesting them can cause impactions and worse. Yikes! No wonder they are strictly on the off-limits list for your beloved dog.There are other several other problems with offering your puppy the wrong kinds of treats and my concern today is to discuss the behavioral aspects of giving your puppy something that could make her forget all her puppy manners in an instant. Perhaps more importantly, how to use treat time to help reinforce your position as leader of her tiny pack.

The average pet store has a dizzying array of dog goodies, pet food manufacturers have happily supplied our desire to give our dogs rewards and created a multimillion dollar industry devoted to rewarding and yes, sometimes spoiling our pets.processedtreatsSo, you ask, what’s wrong with bringing home a wonderful chicken-basted delight for your new puppy? I’m glad you asked, there are actually several problems that might arise when you unpack that yummy smelling bag from the local pet emporium.

“I gave my puppy some new treats and now she's got loose stool and her tummy seems upset. She even had an accident in the house and she almost never does that. What did I do wrong?”
  • Your puppy's tummy is sensitive and upsets can occur when she ingests heavily flavored treats and biscuits. Best to keep things basic and simple for immature puppy tummies.puppy treats“My husband brought home a huge beef basted bone and now Lily runs away with it when I try to get it away from her. Currently, she is under the couch gnawing on it & she growls when I reach in!”
  • Giving your puppy an amazing bone to chew on might seem like a good idea, but it’s easy for her to become so excited about her new prize that she decides to keep it from everyone at any cost.

It’s like giving your teenager who just got her learning permit, the keys to your new SUV & telling her to go have a great time!Lily isn’t a terrible puppy, but the heady aroma and delicious taste of her new treat have made her forget herself It’s NEVER ok for our dogs to growl and guard their doggie treasures, don’t set yourself up for a confrontation with your new puppy over something that could have easily been avoided. More about potential guarding behavior and what to do about it in another post.puppy treatsFor now, help baby Lily stay out of trouble by keeping her treats simple and not too wonderfully delicious until she’s older and able to be a responsible driver : ) For now, boring treats and teething pacifiers are puppy perfectScreen Shot 2015-12-04 at 3.35.32 PM

Who is Your Puppy Learning From?



Remember, your new puppy is like a sponge, she’ll absorb and learn from everyone she associates with, so keep an eye on her four footed role models!

Just like with children, puppies quickly pick up behaviors and begin to imitate the older more mature friends they spend time with. If your neighbor wants their barky Jack Russel Terrier “Bosco” (who loves to run off, ignores their shouted commands, and is more than a little on the disobedient side of things), to spend lots of time having play dates with your little angel, be aware that your baby could quickly begin to display some of the same hard to correct behaviors if she spends too much time with Bosco on a regular basis!

Try to tactfully keep interaction with dogs who are not good role models to as much of a minimum as possible,

or you’ll have a little Bosco of your own before you know it! “Bad company corrupts good morals” be they canine or no! That being said, playtime is important for dogs of all ages, there’s no better way for your puppy to learn how to be a stellar canine companion than to observe the great dogs in your circle of family & friends and have them help her learn the doggie ropes. Rather than wrap your puppy in cotton wool & never allow her to put a paw to the ground when other canines are around, just be a good observer and if you think things are heading in a direction you prefer your puppy not go, don’t be afraid to scoop her up for a bit of a time-out until the rough housing ends or the less than well behaved Fidos head to greener pastures! Let her practice a bit of patience and either pop her in her crate for a nap or hold her out of harms way until calm reigns.

Never forget, your puppy is always learning, you decide what you want her to learn and more importantly, not learn, no apologies!

Puppy Potty Training Blues


(“Or I thought she was trained, what happened?”)

puppy training woesSo things have been going fairly smoothly in the house training department with your new little puppy love. Then out of the blue, your little fluffy bundle starts to slip in her faithful adherence to the house rules. As you come through the family room you almost tread in a puddle that shouldn’t be there, or so you thought!You can tell by the guilty look on little miss’s face that she knows better, (or you think that’s what she looks like) and you try not to overreact but what’s a puppy owner to do you ask?

  • Should you correct her?
  • Why is she suddenly having accidents?
  • Is it your fault?
  • DOES she know better?

For pity’s sake, let’s get this house training part of puppy-hood over already, you sigh...

Probably one of the most frustrating parts of house training a new puppy is thinking you both are getting it, only to find your puppy seems to have forgotten all her training and has gone back to step one of the process.When I’m asked what the quickest way is to resolve this sort of misstep in the process, my first thoughts are what the puppy owner may be inadvertently doing to confuse their puppy.It’s so important to go slowly in the amount of freedom you allow your new puppy to have in the early days after her arrival. It’s always better to prevent accidents that to have to back up in puppy training to eliminate bad habits. Here are a few tips if things have been going swimmingly and suddenly taken a turn in the wrong direction.

Make sure everyone is watching carefully for “Pre-Potty Behavior”.

If she’s playing energetically with the kids in the family room and pauses to sniff the floor, perhaps walking in a small circle while looking bewildered, scoop her up quickly and out she goes. During playtime it’s easy for puppies to get distracted, then suddenly realize they have to GO! You only have about 3 seconds to scoop her and prevent an accident.

  • It may help if you see her begin to squat to clap your hands sharply or speak her name loudly “Bella, NO! Potty outside!” to hopefully stop her long enough for you to scoop her up and get her outside.
  • Keep a few Cheerios in your pocket, give her one or two along with praise in a couple of key areas. When you get to the door to go outside, stop and praise. “Good Bella! Potty Outside! Gooooood giiiiiirl”! Give her a Cheerio to help layer going to the door with a reward. Cheerios or a similar small easy to swallow treat can be a big incentive. Timing is everything: give her one as you open the door, with a “Good girl Bella, go potty outside, goooood girl”
  • Don’t forget, when she wakes up from a nap or comes out of the crate, that you scoop her up immediately and ferry her outside.

Once you’re outside, if you find that she want’s to play and not potty, is it because she’s been cooped up for a long while and simply needs more time to romp and expend puppy energy? Try playing with her for a while, then after she’s had a chance to vent puppy energy, steer her over to the potty spot. Puppies simply have to settle a bit before they are ready to “go”. Don’t make the mistake of taking her back inside because she’s just playing and not doing her business. Take the time to exercise her.



  • After she’s had some exercise and begun to slow down a bit, stand or walk slowly near the potty area, ignore her efforts to engage you in further play. Tell her quietly “Bella, go potty, gooood girl go potty outside”. (Dogs love long vowel sounds, stretch out praise to appeal to your puppy’s keen sense of hearing).
  • Be careful not distract or interrupt as she’s going, but do praise happily once the deed is done and layer praise with a few Cheerios. A few more minutes walking and letting her romp will ensure that she’s empty and ready to go back inside.
  • If she doesn’t go to the bathroom and you are fairly certain that she needs to? Bring her back inside and pop her in her crate for 10 minutes. Then take her back outside and repeat a short playtime and opportunity to potty.
  • OR Try “tethering”. Often tethering is very effective with the puppy that has the basic idea but is still having occasional lapses. Simply keep Bella’s leash on when you bring her back inside. Slip the handle over a doorknob or a willing child’s wrist or some other safe area where she can be watched. Put her in a comfortable spot, with something to lie on and a toy. Do the dishes or work on dinner while she ponders life and her lack of house privileges. After an hour or so, take her back outside to try again to earn some of those Cheerios and your praise.

IF in spite of all your efforts, Bella has an accident what should you do?

  • If she has been doing fairly well and this is simply a lapse. It’s OK to tell her off a bit. Use tact, don’t yell, do not lose your temper. Upon finding the evidence of her misdeed, carry her back to the scene of the crime.
  • Scold her while pointing at her “accident’ Your tone should be disapointed, slightly growly “Bella, baaaaad dog,,, nooooo, baaaad girl”.
  • DO NOT rub her nose in it.
  • A tiny swat on the bottom won’t mar her for life and sometimes is a good reinforcement to your correction.
  • It can be helpful if a bit difficult to hold her while cleaning up the spot, so carry her outside to the safe zone. Begin the walking routine adding a bit of quiet praise, even before she potties since obviously she’s empty now. “Good girl Bella, potty outside, gooooood girl!” End with a single Cheerio, let her know you love her and she’s back in your good graces.
Don’t despair, a few accidents are truly not the end of the world. Your puppy isn’t going to fail at this, nor will you if you make sure everyone knows to watch for her cues & keep those Cheerios coming!

It Takes A Village To Raise A Great Puppy


ittakeavillageYour new puppy has arrived and has been christened with the fitting name “Baxter”. It just seemed to fit that fluffy little morsel of puppydom. The kids are over the moon with puppy joy and you seem to be making great strides in becoming rather an accomplished dog owner. It’s time to start putting together the resources that are going to make life with Baxter simpler, healthier and better for the whole family.Dogs require their own little support system just like kids do. As the days pass, burning questions arise:

  • How do I find a great veterinarian?
  • What about when it’s time to have Baxter groomed?
  • Can I find his puppy food at the local Petsmart or do I need to order a supply?
  • What about when we go out of town? Do we board or have a pet sitter?
  • Do I need a dog walker?
  • What about pet insurance?
  • HELP!!!

FEAR NOT! I, the Puppy Diva am here to help you navigate the sometimes murky waters of building a doggie support system for your new four-footed canine companion.

Finding A Great Veterinarian

Because your relationship with Baxter’s veterinarian will likely be a long one, you’ll want to find a doctor who is a good fit for not only your new puppy but, also a great fit for you as well. After all, since Baxter can’t talk, you’ll be doing most of the communicating with his caregiver.Most importantly, you want a skilled practitioner. I’ve worked with many wonderful vets in my long and varied career in dogs. The best of them were veterinarians who had been out of school for some years and had enough experience to know when an issue was serious and worth looking into further. Perhaps just as important? The vets that knew when my concerns were minor and were confident enough to keep me steered on the right path medically.Over the years I’ve learned to appreciate the ones who were also a bit more conservative in their approach in regards to my pocketbook, while still giving excellent care to my beloved pets. 

What I’ve learned to avoid?prettypuppy

As I said, I’ve worked with some really great veterinarians over the years, I’ve also worked with more than a few who were a disappointment in any number of ways.Some simply lacked a real love for dogs.  That is the most important quality I look for.  After wisdom and great instincts medically, I want a doctor who really loves dogs, who really cares about my dogs.Some veterinarians can be too quick to go to great lengths to do unnecessary often extremely expensive testing.Others can insist or procedures that upon further inspection, may not have been necessary in the first place . This is where inexperience can play a role in Baxter not receiving the best care possible. If your practitioner is very young or fresh out of college, it’s likely that he or she simply hasn’t been in practice long enough to have seen a large number of pets and their dizzying array of varied conditions. A more experienced doctor will be less likely to spend thousands of dollars on testing or procedures unless he really feels confident that they are prudent and important for your dog’s well-being.I’ve known others who are anxious to medicate with all the nuclear weapons in their pharmaceutical toolbox at the first sign of a sniffle.  As I tend to prefer a cautious approach, and one that relies heavily on natural solutions and support to my dog’s health, I’ve had to be an advocate for what I did and didn’t want to do when it came to my dog’s care, you will need to do the same.You’ll want a veterinarian who is willing to listen to your concerns. Someone who is caring and compassionate, experienced and has a personality that’s a good fit with you and Baxter as well.  It sounds like a daunting task, finding your own perfect canine practitioner, but take heart!  There are shortcuts on every journey including this one.

My best advice?

 Seek out dog owning friends and family members and grill them extensively.  Ask which clinic they are using?  Are they happy with the care their pets have been given?  Have charges seemed excessive?  Do their pets receive kind treatment (huge!)?  Often word of mouth is the very best way to find a great vet, and perhaps avoid a not so wonderful one!One last thing, don’t be afraid to move on to another clinic if you find after the first visit that you and Baxter just didn’t “click” with your new doctor.  You’re not duty bound to stay with the first animal hospital you try.  Mark it up to experience learned and do a bit more asking around, a few more Google searches, and I’m confident you’ll find a dog-doctor that you’ll be happy to take Baxter to for the long-term.The next step on your dog owning journey?Finding the right DOG GROOMER!  Click HERE for my best tips on dog groomer delight or despair!

The First 24 Hours



thefirst24hours (2)

Puppies grow up very quickly indeed, and the baby stage is gotten through very rapidly so take heart!

Here are pointers that should keep you and the new baby on track, I hope your little one will bring years of joy to all!

  • We feed about 1/4 to 1/3 cup, three times a day for puppies up to 11 weeks, over 11 weeks feed twice daily.  I take away what puppy hasn't eaten in about 15 minutes, then offer a full feeding the next meal, always taking the food away after 15 minutes or so.  The goal is for your puppy to have a bit of extra food left over each meal.  They are real nibblers and some meals eat very little, some meals the whole bowl, this is perfectly normal.  Usually, a potty break is in order about 10 mins after she eats  : )  Note:  It helps to keep feeding times as distraction-free as possible, like kids they find it hard to focus and finish their dinner if there are more interesting things going on around them. Even sit on the floor beside baby for the first few feedings to encourage her to nibble a bit more readily.
  • IMPORTANT: As your puppy grows, you will increase the amount of food per feeding. If she’s licking the dish and looking for more, it means her growing puppy body needs more calories.  Gradually increase the amount per feeding until she begins to leave a few kibbles at each meal.  The goal is for her to have a bit more to eat than she wants, until one year of age, then as your veterinarian advises to keep her fit (once grown typically an adult should have between 1 - 1  1/2 cups per day).
  • At bedtime, even if she's asleep, wake her up and take her out one more time, then she should sleep through the night till around 7:00 or so.  If she fusses and cries, try to use a low, growly voice, and FIRMLY say "No NO! Quiet!", she's pretty good, but a baby, so she might miss us! If she persists more than 5 minutes refer to PUPPY MELTDOWN

thepuppymeltdown (1)A few potty time reminders (of course you've done your puppy homework and read my articles on how to get through house training located here: http://www.foxglovecavachonpuppies.com/blog-archive/potty-training 

Everyone needs to ready the Potty Training articles to help puppy navigate quickly through the housetraining process!

There are many tips, secrets, shortcuts and helps on the Puppy Training 101 link on Foxglove site, you'll save hours of frustration if you do your puppy homework and are knowledgeable before baby arrives.  For example, a tip found there: "The big thing is to CARRY puppy outside, whenever you think, she might have to go potty, they get lost on the way to the door, and it will avoid an accident."  Education is the key to a smart trained puppy! As for her name, it's perfectly OK to choose your own favorite, we don’t let babies get too used to my rather unique : ) name choices, so feel free to choose the perfect name for your new family member.  Sometimes it takes a day or two, don’t be afraid to narrow your list to a few favorites and give them a try when puppy arrives.  Sometimes the one  you thought was perfect just doesn’t “fit” and you’ll choose something totally different.Many of my puppy people know that I am also CEO & Founder of Agatha's Apothecary, and have spent years researching what the pet owner can take to help overcome the health challenges our dogs face.  From monthly applications of toxic flea preventatives to chemical-laced lawns, a few key supplements can help protect your puppy for the entire length of her life.There will be a puppy kit attached to the top of the kennel when your puppy arrives.  Inside you’ll find a large assortment of goodies to get your new baby off on the right paw!    

  • A week’s supply of Agatha's Advanced Probiotics of course because I truly don't think there is a fresher or more potent one on the market today.  Whether or not you use Agatha's, do yourself and your new puppy a favor, keep them on a daily probiotic, it's such a simple but powerful step to have a long-lived healthy dog. They are in capsule form, simply pull open and sprinkle over breakfast or hide the capsule in a bit of cheese.  I take them every day and every puppy I raise is started on them as infants.  You can order them on Amazon here so you won't run out, pardon Amazon's rather cumbersome link:

Order 2 Month SupplyNote:  If you like an earlier caller I had this morning, have multiple dogs and want to use it for everyone, you can order the larger size that comes in a cool pouch with a nifty little scoop!  Amazon again you canOrder 4 + Month Supply 

  • A sample bag of Natural Balance Lamb & Brown Rice Small Breed Bites  I've found it locally at most larger pet stores, you can use either the Small Breed Bites OR the Puppy Formula, both are for all life stages which I prefer.  You'll find only a tiny two-ounce size in your puppy kit by the way : (  the airlines have recently put a strict limit on the weight of puppy accessories.  To leave room for all the other goodies I send like a leash and collar, toys, baby blanket chewie etc, something had to be deleted,,, puppy food!  Just be sure to have your supply on hand.  SORRY I would send a BIG bag otherwise! grain-free, made in the USA and my puppies thrive on it.  If you have problems finding it, my favorite place to shop has it as well at Amazon, with free shipping for Prime members:

Order on Amazon Natural Balance Limited Ingredient Lamb & Brown Rice Small Breed BitesNatural Balance Small Breed Bites Lamb A week's supply of NuVet Plus, NuVet Plus(this is part of your puppy's 5-year health guarantee so please keep her on this top quality supplement)  It comes in a chewable tablet or a chicken flavored powder to mix in food.  I use one tablet a day for my puppies and dogs alike. You'll need to order it directly from NuVet as it's not available in stores: http://www.nuvet.com/11982 Look in the large padded envelope atop your puppy's carrier, it will include many puppy pleasing goodies including a cute stuffed frog, elephant or bear, a polar fleece rope bone toy (made from puppy baby blanket) that works as a great Puppy Pacifier!  I’ll send along a sample of shampoo & coat conditioner for that first bath.  Also, vaccination & worming records are on top her kennel, along with a tiny collar and a bag of Nutro Ultra puppy food, and even a colorful bandana for dress up!

The Puppy Plunge


Thepuppyplunge (2)Well, you’ve finally done it! After searching the web for untold dozens of hours, peering at furry little puppy faces until you see them in your dreams, you’ve found YOUR puppy!Something about that tiny face just connected with you, and when you showed your husband and then the kids, there was puppy pandemonium and the choice was made.  Now with your new little bundle’s arrival scheduled in a few days, suddenly the panic sets in, and you find yourself lying wide awake at three a.m. wondering what in the world do you need to do before puppy arrives?As your puppy’s breeder it’s my job to make sure that you are on the right track and well prepared prior to your new family member’s arrival.That part about lying in bed in a pre-puppy panic?  I’ve heard so many of my puppy people describe just that sort of fretting, and I hope with a bit of direction and perhaps a small amount of hand-holding, you’ll begin to relax and enjoy what should be one of the most delightful experiences your family will ever have.FIRST THINGS FIRSTOf course, you’ll want to be sure before your puppy comes home that you have all necessary supplies on hand.

  • Puppy Food (I’ll send a small bag along, but you’ll want to pick up a larger size of Balance Small Breed Bites (OR Puppy Formula they have both!) this is a lower protein than many foods on the market and much healthier in the long-term for growing puppies.  Please try not to change foods until after 6 months of age, the good news is that this food is perfect for all ages and you can use it indefinitely).   Natural Balance Small Breed Bites Lamb           
  • I'll send along a small bottle of Agatha's Elixir to keep your puppy on track and add that extra boost of vitamins, minerals, antioxidants and prebiotics as an additional incentive to keep eating happily after the competition of her litter is gone.
  • 4 foot lead (The width should be about ¼” to ½” anything wider will be too heavy on a small puppy’s neck)  I send along a tiny collar that will fit your puppy for a few months.
  • A Flexi Lead or retractable lead for giving puppy room to run and play if your yard isn’t fenced.
  • I like a puppy playpen for daytime use, I did a review of the Richell Pet Pen on my Agatha's Apothecary Blog, it’s a great tool, attractive and easy to set up, you can order it on Amazon, it’s one of the best things you can have to expedite house training.Foxgloveplaypen  
  • The small crate your puppy arrives in is her night time sleeping spot with a soft fleecy bed. Your puppy will miss cuddling with her siblings and for example, a nice comfy bed in the family room will help her feel more at home.  That being said, keep just a small baby blanket or towel in her night time crate. Puppies are warm natured, and that will keep her cozy but cool enough. Think washable for now. 
  • NO Over the top rawhides.  Avoid basted bones, rawhides drenched in chicken and other flavors.  Many reasons not to use them, puppies can ingest large pieces and choke, or worse still, they can become lodged in the intestinal tract.  My biggest reason is that most dogs can become very possessive about highly scented doggie delicious treats. Best to keep treats simple and avoid a tug-a-war with your little Fido.
  • TREATS! I like the Nutro Blueberry Crunchy Treats (plus they help keep stains at bay). (amazon!) Cheerios on hand to use to reward good potty behavior. 
  • TOYS TOYS TOYS!!!  (I’m sending along two to get you started, they smell like home and one is made from puppy baby blanket,,, awwww : )A good variety of toys will give your puppy good choices to play with.  I like an assortment of stuffed animal toys, small rigid Nylabone type chewing toys, toys that make a noise are fun.  Be a child, enjoy this part! Screen Shot 2015-11-09 at 4.42.27 PM
  • Two bowls, one for food & one for water. I like stainless or ceramic, cute is good.

 TWO THINGS TO ORDER BEFORE PUPPY ARRIVESAs you know, to keep your health guarantee in effect, your puppy will need to stay on both the NuVet Plus as well as a daily probiotic.  I have found that taking these small steps helps ensure a healthy puppy and also a healthy adult dog.  While I hesitate to recommend our probiotics as there are many others on the market, I recommend ours because I feel they are the best quality, very broad spectrum, super fresh and very high potency.Nevertheless, as long as you use a probiotic, I’ll be happy.  If you do decide to try our products you can order them here on Amazon, there’s even an option to have them delivered automatically so you don’t run out, how great is that!?AGATHA’S APOTHECARY ADVANCED PROBIOTICaa1Easy-peasy to use, just pull open the stay-fresh capsule for the perfect daily dose of powerful immune system building probiotic amazingness!   


The second product NuVet Plus. Packed with essential antioxidants & nutrients needed to bridge the gap in what is often lacking in a dog’s diet, NuVet Plus is a yummy chewable liver flavored treat, loaded with enzymes, essential pure source vitamins and minerals and rounded out with a selection of natural herbs known to promote health and vitality in dogs.You can’t find NuVet Plus in stores, it can only be ordered direct from the website: https://www.nuvetlabs.com/11982 or you can call them at 1-800-474-7044 to order by phone.If you use this order code 11982, not only will it give you a 15% discount for auto-ship, the easiest way to be sure you’ll always have it on hand.nuvetplus

That should help you sleep a bit more soundly now that your supplies will be on hand before your new baby arrives!


Cavachons by nature are not terribly driven to chew and are fairly laid-back and content with their toys. But, nonetheless, have a walk through the house and make sure that in your puppy’s area of the home, there are no obvious items waiting to be tasted.  Electric cords, small rugs etc, you don’t need to be drastic, just apply a bit of common sense and keep temptations to a minimum.Remember to keep puppy very limited in her house privileges the first week especially.  She’ll be learning a new house, where your doors are, how to get outside to find her new potty spot, all things that you’ll have to teach her.  With a bit of diligence on your part you’ll be a expert puppy parent in no time!  Who knows?  You may even find yourself perusing the web for a second little creature one day. Two puppies are twice the fun they say!
