Because They Love Us


I'm always amazed at the loving loyal hearts of the dogs I have owned over the years. Here's my sweet Agatha, a dog as totally without malice as any I've ever known.  The most cheerful of little souls, who greets me every morning just as if I've been away on a long journey. "Oh!" says she, "Finally we are together again" (she is forced to sleep on the landing outside my bedroom door because of her loud snoring poor girl).  With tail awag she happily waits for her favorite time of the day, "BREAKFAST! Oh JOY!" says she.

They don't ask for much. 

A pat on the head, a scratch behind the ears, oh we busy ones who sail past these pleading little faces with our long lists of the all the urgent, the important things that hurry us through our days.


Those lists that rob us of so many of the best moments sprinkled here and there if we pause long enough to see them.  The small blessings that if we let them, can bring us so much joy.  Even the furry creatures who wait with baited breath for us to pause and enjoy just a moment with them, and perhaps a bit of their favorite treats if the truth be told...