A New Little Visitor At Foxglove


There is a baby fawn who lives down by the bottom pasture with his mother just a few feet away from the pony paddock. He comes out in the evenings much to his mother’s dismay and bounces around legs all akimbo, awfully curious about that grey pony that lives next to his woodsy home.  

The picture above is what I typically capture of him, though the moment I see that tiny spotted form, I fly to get my camera.  I usually arrive back just in time to catch a shot of his white flag of a tail as he sails back to the safety of the deep woods where his mother stands stomping her foot impatiently at him.

He grows braver every day, he’s quite interested in Fairlight our little Welsh pony mare.  She’s also noticed our small visitor and comes up and gazes at him over the fence wanting to make friends which really puts his mother over-the-top.  

I catch glimpses of the doe obviously not happy with the antics of her precocious offspring.  She sensibly stays hidden at the edge of the woods where the wild purple phlox grows.  She makes a beautiful photo and one much easier to capture than any of her much too busy baby.




The fawn gets a bit braver every day, I can tell he wants to speak to that pony and see if they can’t be friends.

Fairlight, our Welsh Pony (or the pasture pet as she’s called by my husband) says she’d be happy to oblige, we all are a bit smitten with this beautiful spotted baby.


Even Agatha looks bemused when he comes out with none of her usual blustering (she saves that for the evil rabbits and the neighbors exceedingly harmless Golden Retriever Max).

Agatha of Agatha's Apothecary

Part of what tempts them out of the cover of the trees is the abundance of clover and wild daisies that abound free for the nibbling.



There are blackberry bushes that will soon be loaded with ripe fruit as well, no wonder they spend a lot of time down at the edge of the meadow.

Mother must have given an especially insistent call for with a flash of his tail our little visitor slips back into the woods for bedtime.


He gives a reluctant last glance over his shoulder as if to tell us all goodnight and disappears.


Back home sweet home and time for all small folk to be tucked in bed for the night…


Spring O' Spring (or maybe not so much...)











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Ohio has a way of teasing us winter-weary mortals with glimpses of spring followed by days of snow and frigid temperatures. Someone we know is not at all happy for her daily delivery of snowy ice cream to not make its appearance, while the rest of us are literally so over snow that it boggles the mind, to say the least. I long for flowers (and make do with a few from my overflowing tubs of Almost Spring Decor, gathered to help usher in the season because I know Ohio won't be in any hurry to help with that and even fake flowers are better than none at all. Up comes the sun, down come the snowflakes and OH JOY says Little Miss, SNOW ICE CREAM!!!  She pleads to hurry out and help lick it all up O'YUM! (I know this actually means she'll use her ears to sweep the steps, she's so helpful with things like that) Oops, got a bit carried away mom...No worries, I'll come inside and it'll melt! It was worth it though, I love this stuff! Soon we're all clean and fluffy again.  Sigh, the weatherman is calling for a few more inches tonight, at least Agatha will be happy... 

Puppy Sitting From A Distance


Hello everyone,Today's update finds Agatha feeling and looking better than I could hope.  I wanted to share some photos of her favorite puppy sitting position, from a distance that allows her to observe and wag but keeps little people from bothering her beautiful long ears which attract puppies like a magnet.She loves the babies (see that wagging tail?) but as the matriarch of Foxglove, she has certain privileges and even the puppies adore her with wide-eyed enthusiasm.(Look at this next photo closely, what a priceless puppy face lol).Prayers that this finds you cozy and like us, grateful for another day and its blessings.With Most Fondest Love and Wags,Terry, John, and grandma Agatha

Just A Little Puppy Love


Cavapoo puppy storyIt's a cold March evening in Ohio and I'm sitting in my favorite old wingback writing chair, thinking about how people find the pets that will inhabit their lives.  We had a visit this afternoon, a sweet couple from Columbus and their little girl Berkley had come to pick up a puppy.  Her mom said that Berkley had been pleading for a puppy for years and they'd promised she could have one for her 8th birthday.  I love visits like this one.  Berkley was starry-eyed and quietly over the moon about finally getting to have a puppy of her own.I was almost certain that they would be going home with beautiful Viola of the creamy white coat and soft dark eyes.  The perfect sort of little girl puppy for a little girl to love and care for.Twizzler and Viola were bouncing up and down with puppy excitement as the family came into the kitchen and began oohing and awing as they gazed into the puppy playpen, It took just a few minutes, and I could see that yes, Viola and Berkley were meant for each other. I know it's silly, but I'm sure that Twizzler could tell too and I watched sympathetically he redoubled his efforts to show what an amazing puppy he was, and began an earnest campaign to convince everyone that he was the puppy they should go home with...  I'd been working with the babies teaching everyone to tether and to sit on command, and he went carefully through his small assortment of tricks.Cavapoo puppyPosing and being a pretty boy.  Sitting neatly with paws carefully placed together, (peering up at me worriedly as if to ask me to plead with them on his behalf).He did much gazing longingly at both mom & dad, hoping to sway them to his side.Cavapoo puppy for saleIt was no use though, one look at Berkley and Viola (who by this time was attached to Berkley like velcro) and even Twizzler knew this little girl wasn't going to pick him. Cavachon Puppy ViolaMy poor little Cavapoo drooped as the happy family went out the door with Viola in their arms.  I can't say who was beaming more happily, Berkley or Viola, both were obviously smitten with each other and while I knew it was exactly the right home for Viola and not for Twizzler, I couldn't help feeling badly for my little red-headed puppy who had been equally smitten with puppy love for the exceedingly adorable Berkley.Cavapoo PuppyCavapoo puppyCavapoo puppy TwizzlerAfter I had sent the joyous new puppy owners on their way and helped tuck Viola (now known as "Joy"!) into her crate for her journey home, I went back into the kitchen and found a most woebegone Twizzler still watching the door to see if perhaps they might change their minds and come back for him.I reached down to cheer him up a bit and as is his habit, he placed his velvet muzzle gently in the palm of my hand, (such an earnest small soul).  I promised him that his family just hadn't found him yet and that soon, very soon they would arrive or he would fly to meet them and all would again be puppy bliss in his small world.It's a story I've seen unfold many times over the years, each puppy has just the right home and sometimes it takes a bit, but they always always find their way to that special someone's heart and it's always a blessing to be part of each little one's journey.Some little puppy people are not sure that's true but I promise it is : )Twizzler is sad

Prayers for the New Year

Hello dearest readers and friends,It's late Sunday evening, just a few hours before a brand new year begins and I've been thinking of this post and of you and through the hurry of the season, I wanted to pause and say thank you for the kindness and love you've shared and that my hope and prayer for this next year for you is that it will have many blessings and much peace and joy as well.This past year had much of both, but for many of you and for me, it had it's measure of sorrow as well.  I pray that we will become stronger and gentler having passed through those trials, that the mark they have left on us will be one that gives glory to Him who is faithful and Who will use all things, even the hard ones for our good if we will only trust Him.We had lunch after church today with good friends, it was wonderful to sit and laugh and talk (how strengthening our good friends can be, even you dear friends though we only know each other through words sent winging their way on these pages).We talked about how God gives us beauty for ashes and I felt hope rise in my heart that this new year would a good one, not without its struggles, but that even those would bring us closer to the Lord.I hope this finds you enjoying the last of 2017 with someone you love, that you have one or two little four-footed one snuggled by your feet (as I do this snowy winter evening) that you are safe and warm and that your heart looks up to Him who is faithful to keep you in his watchcare in the days to come.Be blessed dearhearts, be filled with hope, for with God all things are possible. Let's look forward with grateful hearts to this brand new year!With Warmest Wags,Terry & John & Agatha and the rest of the Foxglove family!

Because They Love Us


I'm always amazed at the loving loyal hearts of the dogs I have owned over the years. Here's my sweet Agatha, a dog as totally without malice as any I've ever known.  The most cheerful of little souls, who greets me every morning just as if I've been away on a long journey. "Oh!" says she, "Finally we are together again" (she is forced to sleep on the landing outside my bedroom door because of her loud snoring poor girl).  With tail awag she happily waits for her favorite time of the day, "BREAKFAST! Oh JOY!" says she.

They don't ask for much. 

A pat on the head, a scratch behind the ears, oh we busy ones who sail past these pleading little faces with our long lists of the all the urgent, the important things that hurry us through our days.


Those lists that rob us of so many of the best moments sprinkled here and there if we pause long enough to see them.  The small blessings that if we let them, can bring us so much joy.  Even the furry creatures who wait with baited breath for us to pause and enjoy just a moment with them, and perhaps a bit of their favorite treats if the truth be told... 

Does your dog love treat time too much?

agatha8Here's what happens when treat time becomes just a bit too important to your dog.  Pictured above is Agatha, who thankfully enjoys a good treat on a regular basis, unfortunately for her, as for many of our dogs, too many of those treats tend to settle right round her middle section, meaning that like it or not, I must use caution and keep her treats to a minimum or at least be creative with treat choices.agatha9I completely sympathize, poor girl, treats are not my midsection's friends either, but the other day when her little snack skittered across the floor and under the refrigerator, I didn't know whether to laugh or cry. She was down in a flash, peering desperately into the depths of under-refrigerator-land (a scary place indeed I'm sure), rest assured, I quickly came to her rescue and retrieved the poor bit of broccoli before the dust bunnies devoured it & she made a dent in the side of my nice refrigerator.The good news is that she's learned to consider a bit of BROCCOLI worth all this drama, (it's amazing what a bit of encouragement can do in changing what your dog considers a worthy treat). The bad news is that she's not a puppy anymore and along with her mistress, more exercise and fewer treats, even the vegetable ones are the order of the day.agatha10

Sometimes just having someone to exercise with makes things a bit more fun!  Here's Fajita & Agatha enjoying a romp between snacks.

With Grateful Wags & A Most Exciting Announcement!


thanksgiving-blessingsMy Dearest Puppy People,I can't tell you what a joy you have been to me, these years we've met together here at Foxglove Farm.  Many of you have come and had a seat in my kitchen, met Agatha in person, had a cup of coffee and visited with one or another of the little four-footed creatures that call this place their home.  Many more of you I have never met in person but I feel I know you anyway, that we've shared a bond of the love of animals and shared stories about them.20150521_132837What a sweet blessing you have been in my life, your faithful reading of my postings, your loving and generous comments, your precious prayers, I am so thankful for each and every one of you dear readers.  I can't tell you how much of an encouragement you've been.  In large measure it's because of you, because of your letters and exhortations to write, children's stories and books about Agatha, about life at Foxglove Farm.  You've helped me have the courage to step out take the first steps on this new path.Soon and very soon, the first 2 titles of a series of 5 (did I just say that out loud?) yes, FIVE children's books will be beginning a journey of their own into the wide wide world and I hope into the hearts of dog lovers everywhere.  "Bonsai Comes Home To Stay" is my special favorite, his true little tale is a poignant one with a very happy ending (we love happy endings Agatha & I).preview-full-sliceI've shared an excerpt to the Bonsai tale, we even have a real live website here with book previews and even a spot to pre-order!  I was so taken with his story when I saw his little woebegone face in a blog post by a dear friend Karrianne Wood that described his arrival at her farm (you can see the real Bonzai here on her wonderful blog www.thistlewoodfarm.com) that I couldn't stop thinking about him until I gave him his own honest to goodness book!  A Yorkie right?  I know, but his story captured my heart and I had to tell it for him...screen-shot-2016-11-28-at-9-21-27-pmI loved writing the story of this elderly little fellow and I'm especially thrilled to report that upon reading the first proof copy aloud to three 7 & 8-year-old little girls, that the room was so quiet that you could have heard the proverbial pin drop, the only sound the ticking of the old clock on the bookshelf.  Little girls who loved their iPads and games on their mama's phones, sat completely still, softly quiet and captured by this small dog and his tiny struggles, that they had tears in their eyes at the part of the story where Bonsai found himself in the Old Dog's Home...I'm so very excited and cannot wait until the first copies of Bonsai arrive, literally hot off the presses and I can share them with you.  They are partially yours anyway, I never would have had the courage to step out in faith and share them with the world if it hadn't been for you.  I have treasured your words and believe in my heart that you've spoken truth into my life and it's time to take flight, to take to the wing, to soar and let my stories take on lives of their own.  My prayer is that they to make people laugh and yes shed a tear over stories of real dogs and their small journeys.  Stories that people will read to their children and grandchildren, turning the pages slowly to have time to enjoy the beautiful watercolor illustrations, each with a heart of its own."A Puppy's Christmas Wish" makes ME cry when I read it!  Goodness, I wrote it so you'd think after a few readings I'd be not so teary!  The day I took the photos of Tinsel and Buttons, Jingle & sweet funny Sparkle Plenty, I knew there was something special happening, the camera whirring and puppies telling a story right before my eyes.preview-full-preview-full-pasted-file-1 My desire is that in reading or hearing these stories, children will learn to love dogs, develop a love for reading and most of all, a love and heart for the animals in their lives.  That dog lovers of all ages will find entertainment and a bit of rest and refreshment in books with delightful illustrations and photos that make the stories come alive.  A word about those beautiful watercolors, lest you think I've developed an entire new vocation as artist, alas, they are not my own (though the photos will be!) but are painted by a wonderful artist, Vianne Chang who skillfully brings each of my characters to life.OH, I WISH I could send them out to you all FREE of charge, you have such a part in their creation...  My wiser and better half reminds me that there is the tiniest profit after the investment to publish books on this rather small scale. Our cost is not much under what they are priced at so to keep peace in the family and pay the bills if you decide to purchase a copy, I promise to send it along with a personal note from Agatha & me.  I'm trying to decide if she'll cooperate and put a paw print inside the cover, but ink and dog paws might not be the most brilliant thing I've dreamed up yet!With Most Heartfelt Wags,terry & agatha(& bonsai & fluffy blue eyes & barkley & tinsel & sparkle plenty & just a few more...)P.S.  Faithful readers, I humbly ask that you help get the word out?  If you like to pin things on Pinterest, if you have a few dozen dog loving Facebook friends, or if the lady where you take your dry cleaning is a dog lover, won't you help spread the word and the new website: https://tellencross.squarespace.com and Bonsai & the rest of my little books with anyone who might sit still enough to listen?!?  I so hope everyone loves and enjoys these stories, in my heart, I know this is something I'm meant to do and I know that along with my dear puppy people, God will help Bonsai & Tinsel and all the rest sit up and bark!XOXOt.   

Bentley Needed A Friend


My heart ached for this poor baby when this picture arrived in my Inbox a short while ago.  Meet Bentley a Cavalier King Charles Spaniel, who recently lost his buddy, Murphy, who passed away unexpectedly. In the canine world, there are not many things sadder than a little dog mourning the loss of his lifelong friend and companion.  Bentley has been extremely listless and spends much of every day with his head between his paws grieving.  His owners who are of course also broken-hearted are also terribly distressed to see their remaining dog like this.  Cheryl says that the only time Bentley shows any interest is when they go to town and return home,  then he joyously runs from room to room, clearly hopeful that somehow Murphy might have returned in his absence.   After carefully searching every room, Bentley goes and lies down again with a sigh to wait for his brother who is never coming home again.


Cheryl & Bryan had contacted me to see if perhaps we might have a good fit for their family and someone that might help sweet Bentley too.  When I saw this picture, I told her she needed to quickly get another dog, whether from here or not wasn’t nearly as important as the urgent need to fill the empty place in this little Cavalier’s heart as quickly as possible.  It’s all too easy for the dog left behind to begin to decline rapidly in a number of disheartening ways and the picture she had shared frightened me for the outlook for her remaining dog if she delayed too long.

We talked several times and I’m so happy to say that one of our little ones will be there to surprise him on Saturday.  I’m counting the hours until that sad little face has a little furry bundle of puppy antics to bring zest and a happy sort of distraction back to his life.  I know that this puppy will be good medicine for Bentley and for Cheryl and her husband Jim too.


POSTSCRIPT:  I love what I do, I really do!!!

These photos arrived today along with an animated video of Bentley playing with his new little “brother”, I especially love the second photo, see “Shamus” curled up close to his side?  

I can see the beginnings of a beautiful friendship.


My heart ached for this poor baby when this picture arrived in my Inbox a short while ago.  Meet Bentley a Cavalier King Charles Spaniel, who recently lost his buddy, Murphy, who passed away unexpectedly. In the canine world, there are not many things sadder than a little dog mourning the loss of his lifelong friend and companion.  Bentley has been extremely listless and spends much of every day with his head between his paws grieving.  His owners who are of course also broken hearted are also terribly distressed to see their remaining dog like this.  Cheryl says that the only time Bentley shows any interest is when they go to town and return home,  then he joyously runs from room to room, clearly hopeful that somehow Murphy might have returned in his absence.   After carefully searching every room, Bentley goes and lies down again with a sigh to wait for his brother who is never coming home again.Cheryl & Bryan had contacted me to see if perhaps we might have a good fit for their family and someone that might help sweet Bentley too.  When I saw this picture, I told her she needed  to quickly get another dog, whether from here or not wasn't nearly as important as the urgent need to fill the empty place in this little Cavalier's heart as quickly as possible.  It's all too easy for the dog left behind to begin to decline rapidly in a number of disheartening ways and the picture she had shared frightened me for the outlook for her remaining dog if she delayed too long.We talked several times and I'm so happy to say that one of our little ones will be there to surprise him on Saturday.  I'm counting the hours until that sad little face has a little furry bundle of puppy antics to bring zest and a happy sort of distraction back to his life.  I know that this puppy will be good medicine for Bentley and for Cheryl and her husband Jim too.POSTSCRIPT:  I love what I do, I really do!!!  These photos arrived today along with an animated video of Bentley playing with his new little "brother", I especially love the second photo, see "Shamus" curled up close to his side?  I can see the beginnings of a beautiful friendship.

Why Does It Feel Like Someone Just Kicked My Dog? The ONE Star Review...


Agatha's Apothecary Advanced ProbioticSo I probably take things like a negative review too personally.  It's because of Agatha.  She’s the inspiration for Agatha’s Apothecary.  She’s the reason I started the journey to find the things that truly help pets stay healthy.  She’s why I spent years and a small fortune gathering great products in a field that abounds with cheap, ineffective placebos.Agatha's Apothecary is unlike any pet company out there & I'm blessed to be part of its beginnings.  My dream?  To provide absolutely the best products money could buy.  Products that help pets have happier + healthier lives,,,  period.  I wanted ours to be products with HEART, from a COMPANY with heart.  A company that truly cares about the other Agathas and Annabelles, the much-loved Luckys and Lucys and Lulus out there.dee177a1554a495e0d857a031e91a77d (1)I've been so excited about our new product line.  There have been so many thousands of hours poured into this endeavor and finally, we approach the official Amazon launch of over a dozen products.  Besides our probiotics, upcoming is a joint formula, an all-natural flea remedy, the best dog shampoo & coat conditioner money can buy. (really!)  There's Fur Freshener & Pup Pup Cologne (divine!) Agatha's Elixir and even a product called Probiotic Cat Essentials for those with a furry feline in the house.The first product formula is AMAZING, (learn more about Agatha's Advanced Probiotic and other new products here) in brief, I've taken our original Advanced Probiotic and made it even more powerful, it has ten of the most pet beneficial probiotic strains, a whopping 15 BILLION CFU's per capsule. (That is  incredible for a dog probiotic, check labels, most pet products just don't come close)  I wanted to create products with stories and wonderful watercolor illustrations.  Stories about real dogs and cats, because we all need to laugh more and perhaps reflect more too.  It's been the busiest time of my life but a joy-filled time of creativity and a chance to be part of something that will help others hopefully avoid some of the pitfalls of keeping their pets well.wet Himalaya kitten1I'm a storyteller and first, I shared the story of my wonderfully funny and sweet and loving and courageous little dog Agatha, who will be (trumpet sound!)  TEN YEARS OLD HER NEXT BIRTHDAY!  (yes, shouting for joy!).agatha smilesThis isn't some huge China-based conglomerate company that spins out who know's what kind of pet products, to the best of my ability,  I promise that Agatha's Apothecary will offer the very best you can buy for your pets.Agatha's Apothecary is unlike any pet company out there, we follow the most current scientific & holistic research and offer the best made in the USA products on the planet.  I'm so blessed to have been given this dream and been surrounded by the talented people who could help make it become a reality.So what has all this got to do with reviews on Amazon?  I'm so glad you asked!Agatha's Apothecary Advanced Probiotic Amazon listingNot long ago, I was checking the inventory on our Advanced Probiotic, I was stunned to see an ONE-star review from a woman who complained (with bad language) that she didn’t want the "blank blank" bother of having to hide the capsule in a treat.  (which is totally incorrect anyway, the package clearly says just pull open and sprinkle over wet or dry food, it’s totally invisible to pets & tasteless) easy peasy to give in those shiny little vegetable glycerine capsules, edible and safe any way you give it really...Regardless, not everyone will love Agatha's, I get that.  But, did she have to curse?(I know she wasn't cursing at my dearest of Agatha's, but it sure felt like it).And a ONE star review?  Ouch that hurts in the world of pet products.People CARE about their pets and who wants a product with even one bad review?The heart of Agatha’s Apothecary is summed up here: “for the love of a dog”.I started this journey “for the love of a dog”.  Because I knew if I didn’t find answers for how to help that dog fight the cancer that struck her at only four years of age, that certainly I would watch her die years before her time.And not for Agatha only, but for all the dogs I’ve owned and lost too early.  For those now lost companions, some of whom I watched suffer painful and needlessly early deaths.  It was like a slap in the face for everything we’ve worked so hard for, the products that I KNOW are amazing, that I’ve poured so much into, to be so caustically rejected without one ounce of understanding of why it was important to be willing to be slightly inconvenienced for the sake of the pets we love.  IMG_5057 Am I old-fashioned as to believe that an open forum like that calls for at least a modicum of courtesy and good taste?  Obviously, she hadn’t read anything about who Agatha was, or why her products were so important for pet health, obviously, she couldn’t have cared less.Of course, I immediately responded and offered her a full refund, to keep the unused portion with my apologies (and just a word or two about using it the right way instead of writing such a disparaging review that was so unfair to the product itself).  It stung for days though, I’d wake up thinking about it, check my emails hourly waiting for her reply which never came.I contacted Amazon Seller Central with pleas of not wanting an unhappy customer and trying to find out how to refund her purchase, Amazon couldn’t find her order either so that was fruitless as well.agatha7Reviews on sites like Amazon can be the lifeblood of a new company.  I carefully read reviews myself and they definitely are one of the factors I consider when trying anything new.  Happily, Agatha’s products have a faithful and passionate following, but considering the hundreds of products we’ve sent to customers, the sad fact is that 99% of people (including myself I’m ashamed to say), never leave a review on a product. I totally get it, we are so busy, who has time to place the order in the first place, the added step of remembering to go back and rave about the products I love is often a good intention I simply never take the time to follow through on.  I’m trying to be more diligent in that area and when I love a product, I try to let the world know!Agatha's Apothecary Probiotic Cat EssentialsThe one good thing that might have come out of that review?  I decided that making probiotics even easier to use made sense, and I’m happy to say that  we’ll now be offering another really fabulous dog probiotic (and a formula for cat lovers too!) Probiotic Dog Essentials that allows you to use a scoop, contains a 5 month supply to make things easier for those with more than one canine companion.   It’s a powerhouse blend of immune building ingredients, you can read all about here soon here, but for now, suffice to say I’m more than excited and my dream of seeing Agatha’s Apothecary change the lives of pets everywhere seems well on it's way to becoming a reality.(By the way, would you do Agatha & I a favor?If you love her products???Please help us tell the world with a nice review on Amazon?!? Warmest Wags Indeed,Terry & AgathaCo-CEO’s & Founders of Agatha’s Apothecary TO VISIT AGATHA'S NEW SITE OR SHOP NOW CLICK HEREAgatha's Apothecary Luxury Lather Shampoo and Healthy Coat Conditioner