Prayers for the New Year

Hello dearest readers and friends,It's late Sunday evening, just a few hours before a brand new year begins and I've been thinking of this post and of you and through the hurry of the season, I wanted to pause and say thank you for the kindness and love you've shared and that my hope and prayer for this next year for you is that it will have many blessings and much peace and joy as well.This past year had much of both, but for many of you and for me, it had it's measure of sorrow as well.  I pray that we will become stronger and gentler having passed through those trials, that the mark they have left on us will be one that gives glory to Him who is faithful and Who will use all things, even the hard ones for our good if we will only trust Him.We had lunch after church today with good friends, it was wonderful to sit and laugh and talk (how strengthening our good friends can be, even you dear friends though we only know each other through words sent winging their way on these pages).We talked about how God gives us beauty for ashes and I felt hope rise in my heart that this new year would a good one, not without its struggles, but that even those would bring us closer to the Lord.I hope this finds you enjoying the last of 2017 with someone you love, that you have one or two little four-footed one snuggled by your feet (as I do this snowy winter evening) that you are safe and warm and that your heart looks up to Him who is faithful to keep you in his watchcare in the days to come.Be blessed dearhearts, be filled with hope, for with God all things are possible. Let's look forward with grateful hearts to this brand new year!With Warmest Wags,Terry & John & Agatha and the rest of the Foxglove family!