The Waterfall Outside My Window

It’s been a long hot summer not only here at Foxglove Farm but across the country as well and I wanted to share some summertime refreshment for those who might be in need of it.

First how about a nice cool glass of lemonade to set the stage?

(I use my little vintage citrus hand juicer and add the juice of one lemon to a quart of water and ice, sweeten to taste with a bit of sugar or agave, and ENJOY!).

One of my favorite views is right outside the kitchen, past the cheery yellow curtains that frame the tall windows and keeps me entertained with a vista that like His mercies, is new every morning.

I’m completely mesmerized by this tiny pool, I found the plans in an old Handyman magazine years ago. I’m anything but handy when it comes to mechanics and complicated DIY projects, but this little gem was created with a minimum of fuss and the help of an enthusiastic teenager (thanks to my faithful garden helper Cody!). He and I managed to create what has been an utterly charming spot to watch the magic that fresh water brings to a landscape.

I told Cody as we started work, that I wanted it “to look like God made it” and while it may fall short of divine, I have to say this little spot is so realistic, even the birds are beginning to think He put it there for them.

(And perhaps He did : )

My small waterfall draws all manner of thirsty small folk in with the sound of its musical splashing. They say birds and wildlife can hear water from great distances and I’ve watched in amazement the vast assortment of winged and four-footed creatures who daily are drawn to enjoy this little Eden.

The creek down our lane is the usual spot for bathing and thirst-quenching, but this long heatwave has literally dried our little stream up completely and I’m happy that dozens of creatures have found that there is still fresh cool water free for the taking.  I waited a long time for the first visitors who seemed incredulous that such an oasis existed in our parched landscape.

Much time was spent peering worriedly at the new water feature, I wondered how long it would be before someone was brave enough to take the plunge.  The Bluebird looks longingly at the cool water, I hold my breath hoping she’ll take a chance and enjoy some of that wet wonderfulness!

Remember this handsome cardinal?  I wrote about him during an early spring ice storm when he seemed to do a lot of pondering as well.

Ever that lover of water, the Robin stands and gazes happily at the icy cascading torrent.

A Titmouse lands cautiously and does his best to take a drink without actually getting his feet wet.  (Does anyone begin to wonder how much of my time was occupied with all this drama?  Honestly, it was hard to leave the window the first day the weather turned warm and thirsty birds began to arrive in droves).

I’ll leave you with a picture of one of our first happy bathers, and a promise of more photos of the little-feathered folk once they began to settle in and really enjoy their new pool with abandon.

In the meantime, I pray that you take joy in all the small beauties that surround us.  

♥️ Be blessed!

A New Little Visitor At Foxglove


There is a baby fawn who lives down by the bottom pasture with his mother just a few feet away from the pony paddock. He comes out in the evenings much to his mother’s dismay and bounces around legs all akimbo, awfully curious about that grey pony that lives next to his woodsy home.  

The picture above is what I typically capture of him, though the moment I see that tiny spotted form, I fly to get my camera.  I usually arrive back just in time to catch a shot of his white flag of a tail as he sails back to the safety of the deep woods where his mother stands stomping her foot impatiently at him.

He grows braver every day, he’s quite interested in Fairlight our little Welsh pony mare.  She’s also noticed our small visitor and comes up and gazes at him over the fence wanting to make friends which really puts his mother over-the-top.  

I catch glimpses of the doe obviously not happy with the antics of her precocious offspring.  She sensibly stays hidden at the edge of the woods where the wild purple phlox grows.  She makes a beautiful photo and one much easier to capture than any of her much too busy baby.




The fawn gets a bit braver every day, I can tell he wants to speak to that pony and see if they can’t be friends.

Fairlight, our Welsh Pony (or the pasture pet as she’s called by my husband) says she’d be happy to oblige, we all are a bit smitten with this beautiful spotted baby.


Even Agatha looks bemused when he comes out with none of her usual blustering (she saves that for the evil rabbits and the neighbors exceedingly harmless Golden Retriever Max).

Agatha of Agatha's Apothecary

Part of what tempts them out of the cover of the trees is the abundance of clover and wild daisies that abound free for the nibbling.



There are blackberry bushes that will soon be loaded with ripe fruit as well, no wonder they spend a lot of time down at the edge of the meadow.

Mother must have given an especially insistent call for with a flash of his tail our little visitor slips back into the woods for bedtime.


He gives a reluctant last glance over his shoulder as if to tell us all goodnight and disappears.


Back home sweet home and time for all small folk to be tucked in bed for the night…


A Prayer For The New Year




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I stand looking out the kitchen window, watching the wind tossing the tree limbs, I think she’s decided that it’s high time winter made her appearance this year.  I can feel snow coming, the air has gotten steadily colder all morning and the clouds look laden.  There’s a misty rain that is turning the trees into ice, Ohio begins winter in earnest.My small fox friend is the current companion on the window-sill.She gazes steadily ahead, enjoying the snowflake scented geranium at her heels I’m sure.I sometimes bounce ideas her way, she doesn’t comment much but she’s good faithful company nonetheless.  The birds are flocking in to the feeders, a sure sign that the weather is changing and that this icy rain might turn into a beautiful snowfall perhaps by this evening. The birds always know and and we’ve learned to take note when they flock to the feeders in hungry little groups.A beautiful Cardinal stares wistfully at the bird tray, he’s a bit more timid than the other birds and it takes him a while to gather enough courage to come down to the feeders, he must be a newcomer, our more familiar bird guests are not so shy.  I know that within a few days he’ll realize that good things are always waiting at the feeder and not spend so much time being wet & forlorn.As I stand and reflect on the year that has passed, on the friends new and old that have come to Foxglove Farm, many of them through my Inbox.  Letters and photographs from my Puppy People of years past with stories of the much-loved, now all grown up puppies who do the job I raised them to do, bring puppy joy to each family they go to.I find myself offering prayers that the Lord would bless those kind people that have come our way, with His richest blessings.  I send up prayers for people I may never meet face to face.Prayers for so many of whom I’ve only come to know over the phone, in their heartfelt letters, the photos that shine with the love for the puppies I’ve raised over the years, the love that I had a small part in bringing to their lives.And so, I pray for each of you, that God would bless your lives,Your homes,Your families with love.That you would be loved.That you are given love every single day and more importantly?  That you show love to those in your path every single day, for that is where we find healing.I pray that you find hope.For when the days are dark, and we all have them don’t we?On the days that are perhaps filled with doubt, that you will the hope that brings peace in spite of doubt and fear.And most of all, I pray that He will shine in your hearts and give you the most important thing of all, faith. Faith is what changed my life forever.Faith changed me.Faith changed my husband John.Then, faith changed our marriage, our home. Faith in Jesus transformed our lives.  When I found Christ, or rather, He found me, I found that love that I so longed for, the hope that I lacked, I found the faith that changed everything.“For God so loved the world, that he gave his only begotten Son, that whosoever believeth in him should not perish, but have everlasting life.John 3:16And so, my prayer for you my dear puppy people,  is that you find faith, you find Christ, and that He fills all your empty places, that he brings you the love & hope and faith in him that changes everything.Some of you will be offended and that makes me sad, but my prayer is that some of you,those who are empty inside,in spite of all the efforts to fill those empty places.Those who are seeking, especially when you stop and think is this world all there is?What happens when it’s over and I leave this life?Is there a Heaven to gain?Is there really a Hell to miss?So, though I know some of you will unsubscribe, some will turn away angry, some will just wonder what all the fuss is about.Perhaps though, for someone, a miracle will occur, like it did for me when I found Him.  If just one person begins that journey with Christ, I will rejoice that I had a small part in bringing a Love that will last for all eternity.And so I go one step further, my daddy met Billy Graham many years ago, and ended up finding Christ, getting saved, beginning that same journey to healing and hope.  Here’s a link to Billy’s site, where salvation & Heaven,our need for a Saviour, all your questions can be answered, There's even a simple prayer, much like the one I prayed those long years ago, to show you how to ask Jesus into your heart and life.I pray with all my heart now, that you will hear His call and open  your heart to that matchless love.Very Kindest Puppy Regards,TerryPS If you pray and ask Jesus into your heart, I’d love to know about it so I can keep you in my prayers, please write and share the good news with me.

The Kitchen Spaniel


I know I promised not to post too often about little miss, but I had to share how amazingly well she's doing with her faithful friends.  Her coat is gleaming, her eyes shining and she races around Foxglove like a dog 1/3 of her age. I am astonished.  I am beyond grateful. She is truly miraculously better, thank you Lord for answered prayers!Here she is in her favorite spot, close to a possible snack event, note the wagging tail and the careful positioning of herself right in my line of view, just in case she can urge me toward the fridge for a bit of something yummy in her dish.She is a patient little person, she knows sooner or later mom will head toward her favorite place, kitchen land!I just had to share with you, she is amazingly, blessedly, incredibly, better...Fondest and most loving wags,Terry & AgathaPS  By the way, the book is significant, she's named after Agatha Christie, in fact, her registered name is Miss Marple of Foxglove Farm, AKA "Agatha" : )

Agatha Is Making Her Rounds


Dear dear friends,Here's the latest update on little miss who continues to get better with every new day!  I've been hard-pressed to get photos of her lately as she is back to making her rounds purposely around the farm to be sure that all of her subjects are in the proper places and that no wretched squirrels have made inroads into her domain.She is bright and beautiful and funny as can be, I can hardly believe that she was so ill just short weeks ago.  I believe God had heard all the prayers sent up for this dear sweet little dog and I will ever be in your debt for your kindness to her and to John & I.She's even been lending a hand with a bit of puppy sitting, Bullwinkle is leaving for his forever home on Thursday and she's spent much time nearby watching him.  I like to think she's being companionable but it could just be his bowl of delicious smelling puppy food that's caught her interest.He's such a precious little morsel, perhaps she is indeed enthralled with him as we all are.Oh dear friends, it's late and I feel like I'm finally coming up for a breath of air.  I was so devastated, I know she is only a dog and I know that she is an elderly dog, I know that there are so many more real tragedies in this ole world of ours, but each new day is a gift and she's got all of us shaking our heads with delight.Thank you with fondest heartfelt wags,Terry, John and busy little Agatha

The Object Of Her Affections


Dearest Readers and yes, praying friends,  I cannot tell you how happy I am to share this set of pictures with you.  I made a cup of coffee early this afternoon and decided that a couple of pumpkin cookies (yes, iced with real cream cheese icing) would be a nice accompaniment.  I try to keep snacks like this to a minimum but sure enough, someone we all know heard me opening the box and SPRANG to her feet almost burned rubber across the kitchen floor to see what was making its way out of the cupboard this time.Agatha is indeed bright-eyed and yes, bushy-tailed, so perky and full of bounce that I marvel that this is the same dog we almost gave up for lost not two weeks ago.Her appetite is wonderful, her coat is getting back it's sheen, she is a tough little miracle dog. THANK YOU FOR PRAYING!!!!!!!!!!!!And yes, you'll be happy to know that she had a delicious portion of cookie in her dish, who could resist those pleading eyes?  (I'm such a fan of healthy people food for dogs, this wouldn't be my first choice but when you've been as sick as Aggie was, you need a bit of comfort food).God bless each of you for your kindest words and letters, (even a wonderful homemade card from Agatha's doggie friends Anoosh & Sirhoon) most of all for your faithful prayers, God is so good to have heard and given us more beautiful time with our beloved Aggie.Sending fondest love and most thankful wags,Terry, John and Agatha the cookie lover. 

Agatha's favorite video : )


[embed][/embed]Dear praying friends,Agatha continues, thank the Lord, to do better as I write this post, she snoozes quietly nearby, she was prancing through the kitchen for all the world like her younger self earlier today.  God is good and again, I send love and thanks to all of you who have taken time to lift a little dog up to our father for blessings.  I pray that each of you are blessed in abundance for your exceeding kindness.I'm sharing both Agatha's and my favorite video, the artist of the wonderful watercolors is called Vianne Chang, she does all of my illustrations and is amazingly talented.  For years I've sent her photographs of Aggie and by return email, she's sent wonderful digital paintings that are so like Agatha that I wonder that she didn't pose in person.I hope you enjoy the film, and again, thank you for remembering Agatha and I'm sure us in your prayers.I promise to keep you posted of her progress as the days go by.  For now, I'm going to try and get back to my real job, being a puppy mom and doggie apothecary. (Am I allowed to say that?)  Forgive my tardy response to emails and calls for the last week, I hope to be full steam ahead on Monday.Thank you for praying, thank you for caring, thank you for sharing in my tears and yes in this joy, more than I can say,Terry (and John and yes, Agatha). 

A Story From Last Year


No, this wasn't taken today, but little miss was indeed doing a bit of cantering until I almost fainted and called her to a stop.  She is feeling so well, I have to watch her, she thinks she's completely well.  I, on the other hand, am worn to a scrap worrying about her.Oh Lord, where is my faith?  I've prayed for your will and for now it looks like my dear Agatha has been blessed with more time, I need to rest in that and not worry...Someone wrote asking for a funny story, I need one too dearhearts, here is one of my favorites, with part 2 and part 3.With much much love,Terry, John and yes, Lord, my sweet Agatha

Agatha wanted me to thank you


Today has been a good day, someone we all know and love wanted me to send you a special thank you and loads of doggie kisses for showing her (and her mom & dad too) so much love.We continue to pray and hold you in our hearts with love and gratitude.She is grubby and in need of a bit of brushing, but she is WITH US, I try not to cling too tightly or watch her too closely, but I am so comforted that she is happy and cheerful and full of wags and kisses as ever.God bless each and every one of you dear friends.