What's for supper mom?


IMG_20180809_082311Dear friends,Another very good day, I am frazzled and frayed around the edges from being up and down at night checking on her but SHE IS BETTER, thank you LORD (and our sweet praying friends)!!!Here she is peeking around the counter at me while I cook, hoping for some of what I'm making to make it's way to her supper dish.  Unbelievable.  This TOUGH little dog...Forgive my lack of replies to your amazingly loving comments and emails, even your text messages, I tear up just thinking about the outpouring of love we have received from you all, it is beyond words to express my thankfulness and my Inbox overflows with unanswered emails, my vast regrets for answering just here, but know that I have read every single one of them and I would hug each of you if I only could.I know she's better, not a new dog.  But even the vile cough is better such a good sign.For those of you who wrote asking if I'm adding supplements, believe me I am.  Someday I'll share a list of what I'm doing to support her, from raw beef liver (so good for the heart) to CoQ 10 from the health food store.  I even make a special smoothie and we share it in the mornings.I'm beginning to look a bit worse for wear but she continues on beautiful and happy, I am beyond grateful to the Lord for every new day with our sweet girl.I stood at my kitchen sink this morning, sending prayers of gratitude and asking blessings on all of you for the love you have shown.Fondest Loving Wags,Terry, John & yes, Agatha