The blessing of sunshine

Monday and the sun shines again.Agatha is better today, she actually pranced into the kitchen for breakfast, the cough is still with us but she is bright and beautiful and sat in a sunbeam this morning while I did my devotions and sent more prayers heavenward.I fear to overburden you with my emails but I know that many of you have wept with me over our beloved dog and I wanted to give you some brighter news.  Agatha is undoubtedly better. She'd be embarrassed to know I share a picture of her all scruffy and damp from her walk around the yard this morning, but I wanted to share the love that shines from her eyes.  Though you might not have met her, she would greet every one of you with kisses and adoring wags if you'd been to visit.I do not know how much time she will have, I'm praying for another year, an audacious prayer indeed for a dog that the veterinarian thought wouldn't live through last Thursday.  But I am happy for each new day with her as long as they last.I'm trying also to pray for His will and not my own but it's so hard.  He knows best and this time of fearful watching has shown me that my faith while strong is shaken more than I thought possible when I look at the angry waves that beat against our little vessel.I send the utmost sincere & grateful thanks for all the faithful prayers being sent up on our behalf, please continue to keep us there.  Thank you, thank you, thank you, I am humbled at such a response.  The letters and words of encouragement continue to flood my Inbox and comments section, many of you have shared your stories of the people and yes, the pets you have lost, that pain never goes away even after many years, I pray for your pain as well.  You have strengthened me in ways you'll never know, I pray He blesses you dear friends for your goodness to me and yes for sharing in our love and our tears over our Agatha.Grateful Love & Wags,Terry, John and dearest Agatha