The Kitchen Spaniel
/I know I promised not to post too often about little miss, but I had to share how amazingly well she's doing with her faithful friends. Her coat is gleaming, her eyes shining and she races around Foxglove like a dog 1/3 of her age. I am astonished. I am beyond grateful. She is truly miraculously better, thank you Lord for answered prayers!
Here she is in her favorite spot, close to a possible snack event, note the wagging tail and the careful positioning of herself right in my line of view, just in case she can urge me toward the fridge for a bit of something yummy in her dish.
She is a patient little person, she knows sooner or later mom will head toward her favorite place, kitchen land!
I just had to share with you, she is amazingly, blessedly, incredibly, better...Fondest and most loving wags,Terry & AgathaPS By the way, the book is significant, she's named after Agatha Christie, in fact, her registered name is Miss Marple of Foxglove Farm, AKA "Agatha" : )