The Object Of Her Affections


Dearest Readers and yes, praying friends,  I cannot tell you how happy I am to share this set of pictures with you.  I made a cup of coffee early this afternoon and decided that a couple of pumpkin cookies (yes, iced with real cream cheese icing) would be a nice accompaniment.  I try to keep snacks like this to a minimum but sure enough, someone we all know heard me opening the box and SPRANG to her feet almost burned rubber across the kitchen floor to see what was making its way out of the cupboard this time.Agatha is indeed bright-eyed and yes, bushy-tailed, so perky and full of bounce that I marvel that this is the same dog we almost gave up for lost not two weeks ago.Her appetite is wonderful, her coat is getting back it's sheen, she is a tough little miracle dog. THANK YOU FOR PRAYING!!!!!!!!!!!!And yes, you'll be happy to know that she had a delicious portion of cookie in her dish, who could resist those pleading eyes?  (I'm such a fan of healthy people food for dogs, this wouldn't be my first choice but when you've been as sick as Aggie was, you need a bit of comfort food).God bless each of you for your kindest words and letters, (even a wonderful homemade card from Agatha's doggie friends Anoosh & Sirhoon) most of all for your faithful prayers, God is so good to have heard and given us more beautiful time with our beloved Aggie.Sending fondest love and most thankful wags,Terry, John and Agatha the cookie lover.