Agatha's favorite video : )


[embed][/embed]Dear praying friends,Agatha continues, thank the Lord, to do better as I write this post, she snoozes quietly nearby, she was prancing through the kitchen for all the world like her younger self earlier today.  God is good and again, I send love and thanks to all of you who have taken time to lift a little dog up to our father for blessings.  I pray that each of you are blessed in abundance for your exceeding kindness.I'm sharing both Agatha's and my favorite video, the artist of the wonderful watercolors is called Vianne Chang, she does all of my illustrations and is amazingly talented.  For years I've sent her photographs of Aggie and by return email, she's sent wonderful digital paintings that are so like Agatha that I wonder that she didn't pose in person.I hope you enjoy the film, and again, thank you for remembering Agatha and I'm sure us in your prayers.I promise to keep you posted of her progress as the days go by.  For now, I'm going to try and get back to my real job, being a puppy mom and doggie apothecary. (Am I allowed to say that?)  Forgive my tardy response to emails and calls for the last week, I hope to be full steam ahead on Monday.Thank you for praying, thank you for caring, thank you for sharing in my tears and yes in this joy, more than I can say,Terry (and John and yes, Agatha).