The Waterfall Outside My Window

It’s been a long hot summer not only here at Foxglove Farm but across the country as well and I wanted to share some summertime refreshment for those who might be in need of it.

First how about a nice cool glass of lemonade to set the stage?

(I use my little vintage citrus hand juicer and add the juice of one lemon to a quart of water and ice, sweeten to taste with a bit of sugar or agave, and ENJOY!).

One of my favorite views is right outside the kitchen, past the cheery yellow curtains that frame the tall windows and keeps me entertained with a vista that like His mercies, is new every morning.

I’m completely mesmerized by this tiny pool, I found the plans in an old Handyman magazine years ago. I’m anything but handy when it comes to mechanics and complicated DIY projects, but this little gem was created with a minimum of fuss and the help of an enthusiastic teenager (thanks to my faithful garden helper Cody!). He and I managed to create what has been an utterly charming spot to watch the magic that fresh water brings to a landscape.

I told Cody as we started work, that I wanted it “to look like God made it” and while it may fall short of divine, I have to say this little spot is so realistic, even the birds are beginning to think He put it there for them.

(And perhaps He did : )

My small waterfall draws all manner of thirsty small folk in with the sound of its musical splashing. They say birds and wildlife can hear water from great distances and I’ve watched in amazement the vast assortment of winged and four-footed creatures who daily are drawn to enjoy this little Eden.

The creek down our lane is the usual spot for bathing and thirst-quenching, but this long heatwave has literally dried our little stream up completely and I’m happy that dozens of creatures have found that there is still fresh cool water free for the taking.  I waited a long time for the first visitors who seemed incredulous that such an oasis existed in our parched landscape.

Much time was spent peering worriedly at the new water feature, I wondered how long it would be before someone was brave enough to take the plunge.  The Bluebird looks longingly at the cool water, I hold my breath hoping she’ll take a chance and enjoy some of that wet wonderfulness!

Remember this handsome cardinal?  I wrote about him during an early spring ice storm when he seemed to do a lot of pondering as well.

Ever that lover of water, the Robin stands and gazes happily at the icy cascading torrent.

A Titmouse lands cautiously and does his best to take a drink without actually getting his feet wet.  (Does anyone begin to wonder how much of my time was occupied with all this drama?  Honestly, it was hard to leave the window the first day the weather turned warm and thirsty birds began to arrive in droves).

I’ll leave you with a picture of one of our first happy bathers, and a promise of more photos of the little-feathered folk once they began to settle in and really enjoy their new pool with abandon.

In the meantime, I pray that you take joy in all the small beauties that surround us.  

♥️ Be blessed!