Pandora Radio Is Making The Puppies Cry


thepuppiesarecryingatpandoraI had decided it was time to change my much-loved fall theme to my even more beloved Christmas one.  Since the stores are full of Jingle Bell pillows and early Santas, I find the longing to bring in some of Christmas, perhaps a bit early this year.As I brought out my favorite little snowy bits, the tiny reindeer prancing, a wooly grey fox in a bright red jacket, I decide that of course it’s time to turn on the Christmas music.  Fiddling with the dial on our rather too complicated radio system, I was rewarded with the sweet strains of Silent Night, violin and cello achingly sweet.  Sudden tears sprang to my eyes, Christmas music always makes me sad, I’d forgotten.I drift back to my bright laundry room where the puppies were half dosing, waiting for me to do their Christmas photos so they could get back to the more important business of life. PLAYTIME!!!No one does Silent Night better than Manheim Steamroller, and as I slowed my pace to catch that poignant old melody, I heard it, a small plaintive “Woooo Woooo Woooo!” “Wooo Wooo Woooo!” Obviously, I wasn’t the only one who gets sad listening to Christmas music.cavachonpuppyI peeked around the corner of the hallway, and sure enough, there was a furry little bundle, his nose tipped to the ceiling doing his best to sing along.  ‘Woooo Woooo Woooo WOOO!” he wailed.  “Ooooo Wooooooo Oooo!”  Screen Shot 2015-12-02 at 2.23.51 PMThere’s nothing more adorable and yet heart wrenching than the sound of a tiny Cavachon puppy mournfully wailing along with Silent Night.  It was that cello that did it I’m sure.cavachonpuppy1After laughing rather unkindly at his little woebegone face, I scooped him up and told him that all was well, but that sometimes the sweetest things can touch our hearts and make us cry.puppy crying to pandoraHe gave me a kiss with his flannel puppy tongue and was soon back at the business of being a puppy, paws waving in the air, trying to make off with one of Santa’s reindeer, he’s only a puppy and can’t stay sad for very long.  Besides, Santa will be here soon and everyone knows Santa always shares his Christmas cookies with any little puppies who happen to be waiting up for his arrival.puppy crying to pandora