The Life of a Dog Shampoo Poster Child isn't always Easy.


Agatha's+Apothecary+Luxury+Lather+Bathtime (1)Poor Agatha, she's had the sometimes not so enjoyable job of helping us develop new products for the company named in her honor.SHE HAS NOT BEEN A FAN.The problem is, as someone with rather a large amount of experience regarding dog grooming (owner of a grooming shop/boarding kennel, veterinary technician, etc), I decided a few years ago that there simply had to be a better dog shampoo available.It wasn't too much to ask really.A shampoo that smelled fabulous (and didn't bother my allergies). A shampoo that lathered richly (without nasty sulfates) and left doggie fur lightly fragrant and super clean.A shampoo that was truly safe and natural, as organically sourced as possible, gentle on the eyes. A shampoo that not only cleansed, but nourished coat and skin. A shampoo that removed dander and amazingly, even helped reduce shedding!Agatha's+Luxury+LatherAlas, it took dozens of failed attempts on this journey to an absolutely fantastic dog shampoo solution.First I tried searching the internet. I spent hours reading the reviews of this or that bubbly offering. I stayed up late at night, scanning the vast array of dog shampoos available to the pet owner.  I ordered so many bottles of shampoo Agatha began to think we were opening our own pet apothecary,,, (little did she know).The UPS guy must have wearied of driving up our long farmhouse lane. Of carrying box after box of heavy cartons up into my kitchen.IMG_3977Agatha was always pleased to see his arrival; he carries a box of dog biscuits (though I'm certain they are not grain-free, she doesn't mind a bit).Agatha's+Apothecary+biscuitI would open those cartons, one by one, and begin the process of evaluating the pros and cons of each.The criteria were strict, upon opening the bottle, first of all, the fragrance had to be fabulous AND not bother my allergies.You'd be amazed at how many failed even that first simple test. The high hopes that I had for each new candidate were often dashed the moment the lid came off the trendy looking bottle.Why on earth would I want my dog to smell like a pumpkin latte?  If just the first whiff made me cringe, why bother to douse my pet in the smelly stuff?I developed a rather large carton of bottles to donate & spent a small fortune only to find that not a single one of those products which promised the moon & stars was more than mediocre at best.Some of them required an enormous amount of shampoo "pour a couple of palmfuls on your dog's coat to start" (this one had over a hundred 5 Star Amazon reviews!). Even that enormous amount of shampoo didn't clean very well and required so much rinsing that it quickly went to the reject bin.(Agatha was relieved when that one went by the wayside!)

All that trial and error ended up being one of the best things that ever happened to me as far as dog grooming and coat care.  It forced me to expand my search and eventually helped me find the California company that would help me create what without a doubt is one of the most amazing dog shampoos you can find on the planet!

Agatha's Luxury Lather Dog Shampoo

Agatha's Apothecary Luxury Lather Shampoo and Healthy Coat Conditioner

I know dog shampoos, the good the bad and the ugly of dog shampoos. I know even Agatha would agree.

If you have to give your dog a bath, why not use a product that makes you happy just to open the bottle?

A shampoo that helps bring not only shine and a great fragrance to your pet but a shampoo that over time will make your dog's skin and coat healthier.  One will help reduce shedding, a dog shampoo that will make dog bath time, dare I say it?Doggone divine.doggiebathtime1