High Summer At Foxglove Farm


My favorite season is upon us at Foxglove Farm; even Agatha seems to enjoy the beautiful early mornings as we make the rounds to see what's blooming in the garden and which of our favorite birds are back with us for the summer.




I’ve been so busy with the puppies, and now since Agatha’s Apothecary takes much of my time, I’d just about decided that this year I just couldn’t spare much time for the flowers and little bird garden I’ve been working on for the last couple of seasons. All it took was the glorious appearance of the Peonies and my other faithful perennials to discard that nonsense! How could I not take the time to enjoy the fruit of previous years labors? The flowers have been just beautiful, and I’m glad that my early mornings are spent OUTSIDE and not peering at the latest item topping my To-Do List!






The old bird feeder has seen better days, but the birds don’t seem to mind, and I love its classic lines and vintage charm. The Bluebirds have decided it’s one of their favorite spots to keep watch over their tiny babies hidden in the little birdhouse that stands just a few feet away.


I’ve promised myself a post or two devoted to the Bluebirds, they have had quite a struggle but I’m happy to say that with some help from Agatha & I, they have raised several broods of the most endearing little fuzzy babies you’ll ever see. They have become almost tame, not even flying away when I come out to sit with my coffee. That tale will have to wait, but suffice to say that even Agatha knows they are our friends and at a word from me she charges out to chase off any real (or imagined) menaces to our small friends.




If you look carefully, you can see the male Bluebird on top of his house. It’s literally only about 20 feet from the kitchen door, I have amazing stories of these gorgeous and exceptionally friendly little birds. Agatha watches carefully for bluebird dangers, she really is a grand little pocket protector of all the little people at Foxglove Farm. She might only lick some of the offenders but at least she tries to look fierce.


I’ll explain all the streamers in another post, I’ve become a reluctant expert on how to keep them safe!






And so with a few peeks at the bird garden I’m determined to enjoy,,, I hope this finds you enjoying your summer, whether it be full of bluebirds or perhaps the beach or the mountains or maybe just a good book out in the hammock.  Go find some lemons and fix a nice glass of lemonade and sit a spell and rest yourself!

Warmest Wags,

Terry & Agatha

(& Mr & Mrs Bluebird too!)